22 Sept 2020

Who can you trust?

Designer Nanna Salmi
Innovator and designer of the original collection of woven horse hair jewellery.

In short:

  • The owner of House of Salmi used to work for designer Nanna Salmi.
  • He had the admin rights of the nannasalmi Facebook page as he had created it while working for Nanna Salmi.
  • As Nanna Salmi found out that he had edited and changed the designs without her consent, forged orders, cheated customers and other retailers and given false information to the subcontractors (gold smith) and other retailers about Nanna Salmi not working anymore, Nanna decided to stop cooperation with him.

That was in 2012. This happened in Facebook. The name of the page was changed and all the fans of nannasalmi were now fans of this mysterious "House of Salmi" and Nanna Salmi could not even see her own company page anymore.

This kind of information you can see on every company Facebook page.

Nanna Salmi created a new page for her collection. It was also important that clients, that had been betrayed under her company name by Tomi Salmi, could reach somebody as Tomi Salmi had, and still has a habit of 

a) not to answer unpleasent emails and 
b) block clients writing unpleasent comments on his page.

How can you trust somebody on the internet?

If you are buying a custom made, hand crafted fine jewellery and somebody calls him- or herself "designer" they usually tell their name and show their face.

When somebody has innovated something special and is proud of his work, he or she is not "a team". He or she is a designer with name and face.

Designers are very often proud of the people they work work with, the team. Often they tell about those people and show their names and faces, too.

On nannasalmi web page you see them all and find their names and companies. Also the links to their own company pages.

Companies have marketing names like "horsehairjewellery nannasalmi" or "House of Salmi", but those are not the company names that are registered for example in trade or tax registers.

VAT number is also worth gold: with that you can search for the comapany in Google no matter if you are in Germany, France, USA or Aystralia.

Would you trust a company without a street address or email addresses with just "office@".

If your money was stolen by this company, what would you do?

Right. Nothing... No official company name, no street address, no name of anybody.  Who is in charge? Who is this "designer"?

We have collected some reviews considering the House of Salmi. You might find more of them in the internet but here some of them including some emails that his frantic customers have sent us:

Und auf Deutsch:

Before you order anything expensive, custom made and pre paid, make sure that you have the official information about the company:
  • The official name of the company
  • Their street address 
  • The name of the person who is accountable
You could also check if you find the designer´s personal profile in Facebook. Nanna Salmi has a private profile with her name Nanna Salmi

Search by name! About Nanna Salmi you will find for example an article in The Equestrian Living Magazine. It´s there, beginning at page 28, just before Jane Seymoure...

Try to google "designer Tomi Salmi" or just Tomi Salmi. You won´t find him.

We are very sorry for those people who lost their money or tail hair of their horses. We hope that we are transparent enough and you can trust us with the hair - and the money.

More about Nanna Salmi and the collection:

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