Every horse tail is different, every horsehair ribbon is different and unique.
We have collected examples of ribbons and ready items for you by color.
If you wish to have our own, unique nannasalmi horsehair jewelry
made with your own horses hair this will help you to picture the look of the ribbon.
You can send us the picture and also tell a few words about your horse.
That´s how the spirit and temper of him/her can be captured to the ribbon...
If there is only one color in tail hair but you would like a pattern in ribbon, ask for a friend to help!
The other color can also be added from stock.
In grey horse´s tail there usually is hair from white to black. If you take a good look you might find some brown, too.
If you would like a pattern in the ribbon at least one more colour has to be added. You might find it even from a white tale. Color pink is dyed horsehair.BLACK
If you would like a pattern in the ribbon at least one more color has to be added, but monochrome black looks quite dramatic and shimmers beautifully.
If you would like a pattern in the ribbon at least one more color has to be added, but monochrome black looks quite dramatic and shimmers beautifully.
There are tons of brown tones in horsehair. As they are natural tones they make a perfect match every time. Look through your horses tail you will be surprised how many shades you find!See the entire collection:
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de.nannasalmi.com (auf Deutsch)
www.nannasalmi.com (suomi)
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