4 Mar 2021

Any day can be the last one

Every horse owner knows that any day can be the last one.

It goes for horses as well as for us humans.

When going to the stables, you look forward hearing the familiar, friendly neigh.

You know how it feels when a dear friend puts its muzzle against your cheek -
and can´t wait for it.

But one day, suddenly, everything can be different.

For a year we all have read the terrible news about the virus that has no borders or limits.
It´s everywhere. It can choose anyone, no matter if you are young or old.

And now we hear the news from Valencia, Doha and Florida. Riders, grooms and vets say
the same words than the first doctors in Europe a year ago: "It is hell here".

By the time writing this, six horses are reported dead. For sure there is more to come.

There are no words that can comfort those people who have lost their horses.

Any day can be the last one. We all know that. 

It can be a broken leg in the corral. It can be swell. It can be bad laminitis.

It does not have to be very "dramatic", but it´s always a great loss and tragedy for you.

But you can´t start to worry about all that or let worrying thoughts take over,
it would drive you crazy.

What you can do is to enjoy every day you spend with your dearest friend, your horse.

And take the best possible care of it.

And to cherish its wisdom, frienship and love it offers you.

Next time you go to the stables, give your horse a big kiss and an extra apple.

Condolences to those who lost their horses and and many thanks to all those
who have rushed to the rescue, either financially or concretely.

Stay safe, humans and horses.

Pictures pixabay.com

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