Did you know that Coco Chanel was a passionate horseback rider?
Among the other things, she was a mistress of a French socialite, heir and playboy Etienne Balsan who was obsessed with horses. To compete the other mistresses, more beautiful she thought, she spent time with him where his other mistresses would not, in his stable, and she became an accomplished horsewoman.
Coco Chanel thought that sitting in the saddle in a dress, on the side with legs together, was too uncomfortable and limiting. She wanted to ride as wild and free as men! She designed riding trousers for women, so that they could ride in a normal position. This was unprecedented, some people thought it was even blatant, but there was no way back to the riding skirts.... Or what do you think?
Chanel is still in riding fashion. On the bottom right a vintage riding jacket.
"I present my dress collections on the fifth of May, the fifth month of the year and so we will let this sample number five keep the name it has already, it will bring good luck."
While dreaming of a perfect Chanel wardrobe for riding lessons, keep up your appearances with the three things most important: black sweaters, pearls and perfume.
Ring Cassiopeia, custom made with your own horse´s hair.
Custom made pearl necklace with white gold horse shoe motive by Nanna Salmi
(made by request).
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