16 Sept 2016

The narrow Rings

A ring is a symbol of infinity and eternity.
What would better symbolize your relationship and love to your horse or horses?

In a magical sense, wearing a ring binds you with power and energy. The materials of which the ring is constructed determine the nature of this energy. All rings were once magical or sacred. We hope, and know, that these rings have a very special meaning to their owners...

These four ring designs are with the woven ribbon 3 mm wide.
The total width of the rings is 5.8 mm.

nannasalmi collection

Amate is the simplest design. If you have very small hands these
designs probably suit you best. As a wedding band Amate is perfect:
simple, elegant and timeless.

nannasalmi collection

In the ring Clapton there is space for one or two letters engraving on the top
if you should want one.

horsehair ring with a diamond, nannasalmi collection

If you fancy diamonds, choose Andrea. On the right you see engraving inside.

ring with a heart

Last, but not least, Cuore Mio (My Heart)...

In this picture you can see quite clearly the high edges that
protect the most valuable part of the ring - the ribbon made with
your own horse´s hair.

If something should happen to the tailhair ribbon, no worries!
Send us new hair and the ring, the ribbon can be changed.

For these rings we would need 40 hair at least 50 cm long.
There can be hair from one horse or more. Have them all
around your finger...

Order yours from

Enquiries and orders also by email

15 Sept 2016


A little heart tells it all ~ you love your horse

I bless the hoss from hoof to head -
From head to hoof, and tale to mane! -
I bless the hoss, as I have said,
From head to hoof, and back again!

~James Whitcomb Riley~

the original collection by nannasalmi since 1990

The horses paw and prance and neigh,
Fillies and colts like kittens play,
And dance and toss their rippled manes
Shining and soft as silken skeins;...

~Oliver Wendell Holmes~

When I bestride him, I soar, 
I am a hawk: he trots the air; 
the earth sings when he touches it; 
the basest horn of his hoof is more musical 
than the pipe of Hermes.  

~William Shakespeare, Henry V~

Four things greater than all things are, -
Women and Horses and Power and War.

~Rudyard Kipling, "The Ballad of the King's Jest"~

Where in this wide world can man find nobility without pride,
Friendship without envy,
Or beauty without vanity?

Here, where grace is served with muscle
And strength by gentleness confined

He serves without servility; he has fought without enmity.

There is nothing so powerful, nothing less violent.
There is nothing so quick, nothing more patient.

~Ronald Duncan, "The Horse," 1954~

Bracelets 'Puella', 'Puella Double Heart' and 'Puella Star' tell it all, no words needed.

The ribbons for the bracelets are woven with your own horse´s hair.
They are available in silver, gold and white gold.

Wish to have one? Order yours from

Enquiries and orders also by email

1 Sept 2016

Finnhorse Kullannuppu visiting Luostarinmäki Handicrafts Museum

Luostarinmäki (Cloister Hill) Handicrafts Museum is an open-air museum in the center of Turku, Finland. As an open-air museum it is even globally exceptionally valuable entity as the buildings in the area are located in their original positions. 

Luostarinmäen käsityöläismuseo

Luostarinmäki is the only area of wooden houses in Turku which remained the Great Fire of Turku in 1827. The museum was opened to the public on 29th of June 1940.

It is one of Finland's nationally significant
cultural environments. 


Kullannuppu Luostarinmäellä

Finnhorse Kullannuppu fits well into the scenery!

There are eighteen wooden blocks, more than thirty wooden houses, built at the end of 1700s and in the early 1800s. Houses are decorated in the pre-industrial urban artisans workshops and homes. During the summer craftsmen work in the workshops so visitors can see traditional crafts.

Museum administrators, guides and artisans are dressed in the old fashioned costumes.

The museum also has it's own post office,
café and two shops. 

In Höökari´s Sundry Shop you can buy old-fashioned sweets and in a museum shop Hantvärkki you can buy handicraft products made by the artisans in the museum.

The museum has been awarded by the tourism writers and journalists of the International Federation F.I.J.E.T. Golden Apple Award in 1984 as the only one in Nordic countries. The award gave Luostarinmäki craftsmen impetus to set up their own guild.

Since 1943 the highlight of the summer has been in August, the celebration of the craftsmen:
about 40 different professional craftsmen come and present their work. Also Kullannuppu spent three days in Luostarinmäki to delight the visitors.

Horses were very important in the old days,
as important as the craftsmen!

Kullannuppu Luostarinmäellä, suomenhevonen

She´s so calm that she can be let walk free...

Kullannuppu, suomenehvonen, Luostarinmäki

Tourists need maps, Kullannuppu manages without!

During the days she found a quiet corner for having a nap, 
and also a tack shop!

We very much appreciate the old skills are kept alive. 

The more time goes on and all kinds of new things and inventions come out,
the more important it is to remember how it all started.

Finnhorse is our national treasure and we are glad to see how they 
are appreciated nowadays as well.

On the way home.

Well earned!

If you wish to see more of Kullannuppu, read this:

More about the Finnhorse in general:

Thank you, Heikki, again, for these wonderful pictures of Kullannuppu.
She is a special treasure as you are a special master and treasure for her...